Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yahoo Buzz

Yahoo Buzz is a new way for you to discover, vote for, and share the content and stories that matter most to you.

How does this work?

You cast your vote on the most interesting Web stories, images or videos about anything and everything. The best part is that the stories with the highest Buzz Scores – determined by combining your votes with organic search popularity rankings –may be featured on the Yahoo! homepage, giving you the power to influence what what millions of people see on Yahoo .

To add Yahoo! Buzz buttons to your own articles, web pages and blog posts, go to

How to get more votes

Put Yahoo! Buzz buttons on everything you publish.

Consider adding two buttons for each story you publish: one at the top and one at the bottom.

Put larger buttons with vote count.

Tell your visitors what Yahoo! Buzz is and encourage them to vote for your stories (and send them to friends).

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